
Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest horse farming news and updates from South Africa and the rest of Africa.

A fear-reducing pheromone based on natural excretions

The calming effect of equine-appeasing pheromone offers benefits to horse, handler and rider, says Dr Mac.

‘Tying-up’ linked to genetics, training and feeding

Incorrect breed selection, training and feeding can lead to muscle pain and cramping in competition horses, says Dr Mac.

What you need to know about horse insurance

There are several types of horse insurance. It’s important to decide which best suits your horse and your situation, says Dr Mac.

How to create the ‘perfect’ racehorse

Horse racing is a very lucrative sport, and much research and money have been spent on breeding the ‘ideal’ racehorse. Janine Ryan reports on the aspects of conformation and breeding principles that Thoroughbred racehorse breeders and buyers consider before investing in the training of a yearling.

Using horses to manage large herds of cattle

With fuel costs being so high, using horses to manage extensive beef cattle herds makes increasing financial sense, says Dr Mac.

Should you start handling foals early?

When is the right time to begin training a foal? Some trainers believe you should start when the animal is old enough to be ridden, says Dr Mac.
race horses can suffer from upper airway collapse

Treating upper airway collapse

Surgery is commonly used to treat upper airway collapse in racehorses, but new breathing exercises using masks may prove better, says Dr Mac.

Cost-saving tips for horse owners

Prices are skyrocketing in South Africa, so it’s worth keeping a monthly budget to make timely decisions on cost-cutting, says Dr Mac.

Change feed, change behaviour!

Starches and fibrous feed influence the composition of gut bacteria as well as the behaviour of a horse, says Dr Mac.

Listening to your horse’s gut

A veterinary examination of a horse should always include listening to its intestinal sounds. However, the owner can do this too, says Dr Mac.

Regenerative medicine for horses

Stem cells, platelets and serum can be reinjected into an injured joint or ligament to improve healing in horses, says Dr Mac.

Breeding for conformation

Conformation is essential when breeding horses for a specific purpose, says Dr Mac. As conformation is achieved mostly through genetic means, breeders need to choose dams and sires with care.