Celebrate World Egg Day

Every year, on the second Friday in October, eggs are celebrated on World Egg Day.

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Did you know that eggs are eaten by more people around the globe than any other source of animal protein?

“It is a perfectly complete protein containing all the essential amino acids for building and repairing body tissue, and provides 50% of the daily recommended allowance of protein and 100% of iron for developing children,” said Elanco, a company that produces pet products and disease management products for poultry, in a statement issued to raise awareness on the benefits of eating eggs.

Eggs are one of the most affordable and accessible proteins in the world. It is estimated that there are a 6,6 million layer hens worldwide, according to Elanco.

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Egg facts:

  • 1 egg is equal to half the protein a child needs in their diet each day.
  • 1 egg/day can allow a child to increase weight and height 1.5 times faster.
  • 1 egg has the protein to help prevent muscle loss in older adults.
  • 1 egg has the nutrients to improve brain function in children and adults.
  • 1 egg is one of the most affordable sources of high-quality protein.
  • 1 egg/day can improve development in impoverished children.