
Vegetables Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest vegetable farming news and updates from South Africa and the rest of Africa.

Dealing with leaf miners

The leaf miner, which was once so feared, should now only be a mild irritation or no problem at all. If this is not...

The challenges ahead

With all eyes on the road ahead in 2012, I would like to share a few thoughts with you. A positive ending to 2011...

Why hard times are good for vegetable producers

Many vegetable farmers are currently unhappy about the low prices they’re receiving for a wide range of vegetable products. Add increased input costs and...

There’s hope!

The two organisations have hardly spoken to each other in 20 years or more.

The nutritional requirements of onions

"With onions, in the early stages, you need just enough nitrogen to keep the colour of the leaves right."

Sustainability depends on ethics

"Sustainability requires us to adapt to, and adopt, new values and trading practices."

Top companies vs important companies

'You can't feed all those people with platinum, gold or computer chips.'

Working around onion bolting

I am sure that anyone who grows onions has experienced bolting at some time or another if you haven't you're probably losing some of the crop's potential.

Higher prices?

'Every farmer wants higher prices, but higher compared to which benchmark?' asks Mike Cordes.

Use sets instead of seed for onions

'With sets you'll get a perfect stand regardless of the weather and be able to harvest earlier.'

The importance of side dressing

Many vegetable crops fail due to a lack of nitrogen. Side dressing is a safe way of ensuring that plants get enough of this element, says Bill Kerr.

Veggies galore!

'The Chinese eat an average 440kg of vegetables per capita a year against a world average of 200kg.'