Quarter share in buffalo bull for R44 million

A 25% share in a buffalo bull has sold for R44 million at a recent Piet du Toit Wildbedryf auction.

Quarter share in buffalo bull for R44 million

Photo: Courtesy of Piet du Toit Wildbedryf
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Peter Bellingham a game breeder from Mookgophong, paid this hefty sum for Horison, a buffalo bull with 55inch (1,375m) horns.

Speaking to Farmer’s Weekly Piet du Toit, who also owns a 25% share in the buffalo bull, said there has “never been a bull quite like Horison” available to breeders in South Africa.

“He has the horns and the conformation,” Du Toit said.

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According to Du Toit over the past three years all the most sought after buffalo stud bulls have been US based, but Horison has changed this.

“For the next 10 to 15 years Horison’s offspring will most likely not be for hunting, but used exclusively for breeding purposes, but after that they might go into the hunting market,” Du Toit said.

He said a top buffalo cow was worth roughly R2 million, but the value of a cow impregnated by Horison could increase by up to R2,5 million.

Norman Adami and Ben Botha are the other two shareholders in Horison.

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