Dr Louis du Pisani, NWGA national manager for product advice and development, said the Uppertele producers’ wool production was of the highest standard.
“These producers are on par with their commercial wool producing counterparts. They are highly skilled and determined producers of top quality wool.”
Uppertele producers’ wool sales amounted to R1,19 million in 2015. They achieved a net income of 91% compared to the gross income with a bin bale percentage of 8,8%.
Du Pisani says the bin bale norm for commercial farmers was also generally below 10%. These producers also maintained an average bale weight of 142kg.
“Bale weight is an important factor in sustainable wool production, as heavier bales means lower transport costs,” he said.
The winning producers maintained a 46% clean wool content with a 91% market indicator, and the Uppertele fleece consisted of 74,7% fleece wool, which is the best quality of wool on a sheep.