Mohair demand subdued at season’s second last sale

The second last sale of the 2016 winter mohair season consisted of a larger than usual offering of 145 719kg, with some excellent individual clips attracting keen interest from buyers.

Mohair demand subdued at season’s second last sale
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However, according to Mohair SA, overall competition was somewhat subdued with a large volume of mohair held back by brokers, which was sold at good levels after the sale.

An overall sales clearance of 58% was achieved, but the market indicator remained unchanged at R188,44/kg. A highest price of R355/kg was paid for a bale of super style 25-micron kids hair.

Compared to the previous sale, prices were: kids (winter), unchanged; young goats (winter), down 5%; fine adults, up 1%; strong adults, unchanged; and the average, unchanged.

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Pierre van der Vyver, manager: mohair OVK/CMW Group described demand as a bit lacklustre, with a lot of the offering initially declared not sold.

“Nearly half of the catalogue was sold after the sale, forcing CMW to intervene in the market,” he said.

Total sales were: kids hair up 1% (market indicator: R261,92/kg, 91% sale clearance); young goats hair down 3,5% (market indicator: R213,54/kg, sale clearance: 85%); and adult mohair unchanged (market indicator: R162,67/kg, sale clearance: 75%).

This brought the overall sale clearance to 83,5% and the overall market indicator to R192,38, which is unchanged.

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