Two confirmed cases of AHS in Western Cape

Two horses have tested positive for African horse sickness (AHS) in the Western Cape on a property situated within the AHS Protection Zone between Saron and Porterville.

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This happened one week after provincial authorities issued a notice restricting the movement of horses into the province after outbreaks of AHS occurred in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands and other parts of the country.

This new outbreak could result in a further two-year extension of an export ban imposed in 2011 by the EU and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

Following the outbreak chief director of veterinary services in the Western Cape Dr Gininda Msiza announced important veterinary control measures that needed to be adhered to immediately.

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These prohibiting the movement of horses, mules, donkeys or zebra within, into, out of or through the containment zone.

The zone stretches from the Berg River through to the Piekenierskloof pass, then along the Olifantsrivier mountain range to the Grootwinterhoek mountains and south to Gouda (including the town itself) and the N7 highway.

All occurrences of horses becoming sick or dying must immediately be reported to the closest state veterinarian: 022 482 1380 (Malmesbury area) or 021 808 5253 (Boland).

Twitter: @agri_erasmus

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