
Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest horse farming news and updates from South Africa and the rest of Africa.

Facial paralysis

Facial paralysis is a fairly common ailment in horses. The paralysis of the facial nerve can be slight or very dramatic. If treated immediately it normally can be reversed

Treating windgalls

Around a joint or tendon is a capsule or sheath that produces synovial fluid, which acts as lubrication. If the capsule is damaged by percussion or overstretching, it produces extra synovial fluid. This then makes the capsule bulge. This bulge is called a windgall.
Issue Date: 30 March 2007

Dealing with splints

A splint is a bony growth that forms on the inside edge of the splint bone between the splint bone and the cannon bone. It is the result of tearing of the ligaments between the bone, which causes inflammation and eventually a small bony growth.
Issue Date: 23 March 2007

Pulling up lame?

Lameness is probably the most common cause of concern amongst horse owners. There are many and varied reasons for a horse pulling up lame.
Issue Date 16 March 2007

Lumps and bumps

The skin is the largest organ of body. It is very important to keep your horse's coat as clean as possible. Protect your horse's eyes from fly-borne infections with a natural fly repellent or fly fringe. There are many disorders that affect the skin

Stop African horse sickness in its tracks

Issue date: 23 February 2007