How to Business

Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest updates news and tips on how to turn your farming business into a success.

Building maintenance and repair

Locally sourced material can give buildings an attractive, natural, cost-effective finish. Roelof Bezuidenhout offers some examples.

Diesel rebates: keeping the right records

Keep detailed records to claim diesel rebates according to the taxman’s requirements.

Finding out about diesel rebates

SARS recently clamped down on diesel rebates, and many farmers have been hit with hefty fines. Don’t become one of them. Susan Pletts goes through the claims process.

Farmers, get to know your neighbour

City dwellers may get by without taking much interest in what goes on in their street or block of flats, but farmers simply can’t afford to ignore their neighbours, says Roelof Bezuidenhout.

Working capital

Make sure you can pay your bills while you wait for your farming operation to earn an income, cautions Susan Pletts.

Buying a farm – 3

Implement a record keeping system as soon as you move on to your new farm says Susan Pletts.

Buying a farm – part 2

Buyers often forget that they must pay the ‘tax’ portion of the purchase price of the farm, cautions Susan Pletts.

Buying a farm

Base the decision to buy a farm on sound business principles, not on emotion and sentiment, cautions Susan Pletts.

Retail emerging markets demystified

Land Bank’s REM financing package has some tough requirements, and many readers have asked for some of these to be clarified, writes Susan Pletts.

Easy does it!

A US academic believes farming to be one of the most stressful occupations in the world. “Profits are uncertain. Producers must adapt to rapid technological advances and consumer expectations.

How to protect your land

STEP 1: Adopt mixed farming methods

Better broiler house management

According to expert Bruce Gibson, the three golden rules for broiler house management are look, listen and smell. This week Lloyd Phillips reports on the importance of close observation.