How to Crop

Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest updates news and tips on how to turn your crop farming into a success.

Beware of these avocado diseases

Phytophthora root rot, stem canker, anthracnose and Cercospora spot are the diseases most likely to attack avocado trees in South Africa.

Growing cucumbers

Cucumbers make an excellent and refreshing addition to salads, especially during summer months. So why not grow your own?

Soil management basics

Erosion is a symptom of poor soil management and a cue to assess and modify your grazing practices.

The building blocks of irrigation scheduling

Having a top-quality irrigation system is all very well, but without accurate irrigation scheduling you will never achieve optimal results, says irrigation expert and agronomist Robbie Childs.

Soil health: farming with nature, guided by science

Changing to a healthier production system may pose new challenges, but is worthwhile in the long run. Glenneis Kriel spoke to a number of influencers and pioneers about making the switch.

Using allelopathy in a weed management strategy

Cover crop residue leaches allelochemicals, which help control weeds. But to achieve good, prolonged results, you will still need to implement effective weed control.

The basics of wheat

Wheat is an important grain crop in South Africa, ranking second after maize in terms of area planted and production. This article explores the structure and growth of the wheat plant.

Look after those earthworms!

Earthworms play a crucial role in improving soil quality, and every farmer should try to maintain a healthy population of these remarkable creatures.

Planning for precision irrigation

Precision irrigation requires a system designed with all your resources and production goals in mind, with the aim of ensuring optimal production.

Dealing with soya rust

Soya rust is spread by windblown spores and results in significant crop losses in many soya bean-growing regions of the world, including South Africa.

Growing Chinese cabbage

While deemed a ‘weed’ in countries such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, Chinese cabbage is a popular vegetable on local markets.

Cultivating cleome

Also known as oorpeultjie, lerotho and mazonde, this herb is a rich source of nutrients, especially vitamins A and C and the minerals calcium and iron.