Pinzgauers originated in the mountain valleys of Austria and Germany, where they evolved great endurance and the ability to walk considerable distances on steep slopes and in extreme weather.
The name Pinzgauer comes from the Pinzgau area of Austria and is mentioned in 17th century documents. A hundred years later, the breed was being exported around the world.
The first Pinzgauers arrived in Namibia (then South West Africa) in 1902. South African farmers were impressed with the breed’s adaptability and Pinzgauers were soon brought into this country. The basic colours vary from light red to a very dark brown, with a wide white strip along the withers, back, tail, thighs and underline.
Although it is a dual purpose breed, the Pinzgauer is mainly bred for beef in South Africa. Heifers mature early and calve at an early age.
“When it comes to male fertility, Pinzgauers possess the two most important qualities in a breeding bull: High sperm count and libido,” notes the South African Pinzgauer Association.
Pinzgauers are famous for their longevity. Bulls are known to breed up to 12 years of age, while cows breed up to 18 years or even 21.
Pinzgauer Cattle Breeders’ Society of South Africa
Beef Cattle Management (ARC-Animal Production Institute, Irene).
For more information, contact the Pinzgauer Cattle Breeders’ Society of South Africa on 051 430 2456.