ARC small grain production guidelines now available

The 2016 Agricultural Research Council guidelines for the production of small grains in the summer and winter grain production regions of SA were recently made available to the industry.

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ARC spokesperson Elri Burger said the booklets contain the latest technology, research results and information.

“It is our objective to provide small grain producers access to the most relevant information to ensure long term sustainability and profitability,” she said.

The booklets cover topics such as cultivar choices, yields, planting periods and density, disease resistance and plant nutrition, among others.

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The guidelines are published in English and Afrikaans and are available from the Small Grains Institute in Bethlehem and from certain agribusinesses.

The booklets will also be available at the Institutes stall in the Microbial Solution hall at the 2016 Nampo Hartvest Day from 17 to 20 May 2016. For more information, call 058 307 3400.

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