List of presentations from Agribusiness Africa

After the success of the Agribusiness Africa Conference, Farmer’s Weekly received numerous requests for the presentations presented at the conference. These are now available for download here.

List of presentations from Agribusiness Africa
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Download the presentations by clicking on the highlighted text.

 Mega trends that will define agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa in 2055 – Ferdi Meyer, director BFAP


Preparing for the next drought – Muzi Dladla Muzi Dladla,  managing director of Landbank Insurance Company 


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Commercial Producer Financing   Dawie Maree, head of information and marketing for agriculture, FNB Business


Role of government in advancing agriculture in Africa  – Dr Shadrack Moephuli, President and CEO Agricultural Research Council


New improved technology development for cold chain management – Lucien Jansen – Lucien Jansen, CEO of the Perishable Products Export Control Board


Unlocking agro-processing potential – Manoj Seonath, Head of Agro Processing and Agriculture at the Industrial Development Corporation 


Improving agri-technology uptake in Africa – Dr Klaus Eckstein, CEO of Bayer and head of Crop Science in Southern Africa


Sustainable advancement of farming and agricultural markets in Africa – Tanja Havemann, director of Clarmondial.


The challenges to obtain private investment in agriculture and land reform future scenarios, where to from here? – Peter Setou, CEO Vumelana
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