Game industry
The game industry is unhappy about SAA’s recent ban on the transport of certain hunting gear as the season starts. Professional hunters have questioned the timing of SAA’s decision; SAA responded by saying it was protecting endangered wildlife
Wool news
The latest auction saw an 8% increase as China and India came to the market again and stockpiles in Italy have shrunk – after the financial crisis in 2008 the country sat with large stocks.
Wine industry
VinPro announced that SA is losing about a 100 wine farmers a year. Plantings have dwindled and new plantings are also declining sharply. This is mainly due to oversupply in the world wine market. China has also started to plant more vineyards.
Land Reform
It was disappointing that Minister of Land Reform and Rural Development Gugile Nkwinti did not attend the Afasa meeting, as the organisation had some questions about how the 5 000ha land cap would be implemented.
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