According to Insight Survey’s SA Tea Industry Landscape Report 2016, the proportion of black tea consumers decreased between 2011 and 2015, from 58,6% to 51,5%, while the percentage of rooibos consumers grew from 29,4% to 30,9%.
The report added that half of South Africa’s rooibos production is exported and the drink is growing in popularity abroad.
“We live in an age where people are more focused on health and rooibos tea is not only delicious, but [has] a variety of health benefits,” said Marietjie Smit, co-owner of Rooibos Tea House and co-founder of the Rooibos Route.
National Rooibos Day will provide rooibos tea producers and other rooibos innovators with the opportunity to showcase their products.
“We want to make people aware of this unique SA product and its many uses,” Smit said.
On the day, an attempt will also be made to set a record for the largest group of people to drink a cup of rooibos at the same time in the same place.
Visitors can also attend displays by Cape Agri: Graafwater of tea-planting machinery and tractors, as well as John Deere farm implements and tractors.
The festivities will take place at the Augsburg Landbou Gimnasium from 6pm to 10pm. The gates open at 5pm and entrance is free.
The first 500 visitors will receive a coupon that they can hand in at any stall to receive a complimentary product, drink or gift.