
Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest horse farming news and updates from South Africa and the rest of Africa.

Your horse is what it eats

A proper diet will go a long way to preventing disease and certain behavioural problems, says Kim Dyson.

Red clover for horses

This herb has many different uses for treating horses.

Horses and thumps disorder

This serious disorder can affect endurance horses after a long ride, says Dr Mac.

Essential oils for horses

Essential oils can be used to improve the mood and physical well-being of your horse, says Kim Dyson.

Horses in western dressage

Growing in popularity since 2007, western dressage has now been recognised in South Africa, says Dr Mac.

Does your horse need chamomile?

This herb has a number of medicinal uses, from calming your horse (and yourself) to treating inflammation, says Kim Dyson.

A day at a horse show

I recently visited an agricultural show in the Western Cape, where all the horses and ponies gave their best performances, trying hard to please their owners.

Microchip your horse

This is one of the quickest ways to identify a horse. Just make sure you use transponders and readers that comply with international norms, warns Dr Mac.

Does your horse have EPSM?

There is no cure for this disease, but it can be managed through diet and exercise, says Kim Dyson.

What you need to know about buying a horse

Purebred horses are by definition registered, says Dr Mac ‘Unregistered purebreds’ are a fiction.

Horses – How to treat itching skin

Treating skin conditions promptly will save you from bigger problems later on, says Kim Dyson.

A bit, can be a bother?

Riders tend to change the bit for all the wrong reasons, says Kim Dyson.