Americans are the most concerned about the rising cost of food with 39% saying they are more likely to buy less expensive cuts of meat and 47% are eating out less than they did a year ago.
That’s bad news for exporters such as Australia which has seen its beef shipments to the US for use in the fast-food sector, fall by 12% in September to 22 117t. total is now down 32% for the year. Uruguayan shipments are down 90%. he Kansas City-based Centre for Food Integrity surveyed more than 2 000 consumers and found food prices are among the three greatest concerns along with rising energy costs and the state of the economy.
Despite this, 23% of the respondents still believe that food is amongst the most affordable in the world. Fewer than 20% of those surveyed strongly agreed that government agencies are doing a good job to ensure the safety of food. – Alan Harman