Gun license wisdom

Gunwise takes the hassle out of firearm licensing.
Issue date: 20 March 2009

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Gunwise takes the hassle out of firearm licensing.

Transferring firearm licenses to heirs of a deceased estate can be frustrating, while licensing of firearms has lately become a field of specialised expertise.
Firearms kept safely creates many practical problems for an executor, including restricting access to firearms to authorised persons, and providing adequate and legally compliant storage space.
Gunwise is a franchise offering a number of specialist services to the firearms community nationwide and has practical and affordable solutions to common and not-so-common problems:
Professionally drafted firearm license applications – Gunwise has many years’ experience and drafts applications on a daily basis, supported by attorneys and experienced specialists.
Safekeeping facility – Gunwise will arrange to have firearms transported by an accredited courier and retain the firearms in safe-keeping storage facilities as per the Firearms Control Act, until an estate has been finalised.
Free advice – the franchise offers free advice on any matter related to the licensing of firearms and the Firearms Control Act.
Buying and selling service – if heirs don’t want to inherit firearms, Gunwise offers a listing service where they may be sold.
Specially designed software – Gunwise has developed the only web-based software programme designed to cater for all aspects of firearm licensing.
All applications, including annexures (photos, certificates etc) are electronically stored, in case the client wants access to copies or the application has to be printed again. Clients can also rent the software monthly if they want do their own applications.

Gunwise profile
Gunwise is a franchise managed by firearms expert and hunter André Swanepoel, attorney Jurie Zietsman and a team of committed and professional franchisees and assistants. When the new Firearms Control Act came into effect in 2004, André helped friends and associates draft their license applications and realised it was nearly impossible for most applicants to successfully complete the prescribed applications without help, and the police became overextended.
He then teamed up with a long-standing business associate, attorney Jurie Zietsman, who has extensive experience in liquor licensing and establishing and managing processing centres and software systems.
They developed a unique web-based software programme, which enabled them to process applications in a fifth of the normal time.
After testing their business concept over two years, they created the Gunwise franchise to make expert advice available at affordable rates to people in towns and city suburbs nationwide who want to apply for firearm licenses.     |fw

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