Like father like daughter

I am 12 years old and, as I like to call myself, “a farmer in the making”.

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My dad is a dairy farmer and we live on a farm halfway between Knysna and Sedgefield along the Goukamma River (in which I swim almost every summer’s day). Since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved the outdoors and farming.

And I say that my hidden talent is adventuring. When I was a year old, I attended the George Show with my dad, Chris (above), where he showed one of his heifers. Just 10 years later, I was at the same show, with my own heifer, Myrtle (left), who I trained for two months beforehand. The show was a blast and one of my best experiences so far. Myrtle and I still have a tight bond and an ‘unlikely friendship’.

I grew up with the FW and I’d just like to say that I thoroughly enjoy your magazine, keep it up!!

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Heather Meteler
via email