Lime application in no-till

In recent years, no-till farming practices have been implemented on an ever-growing scale. As a result, many no-till farmers have adopted the ­common practice of ­surface-applying all their required soil amendments. This allows stratification of nutrients and acidity at ­surface level.
Issue Date 18 May 2007

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In recent years, no-till farming practices have been implemented on an ever-growing scale. As a result, many no-till farmers have adopted the ­common practice of ­surface-applying all their required soil amendments. This allows stratification of nutrients and acidity at ­surface level. The important crop ­production ­nutrient nitrogen can also be applied to the soil surface by planting legume winter annual cover crops between main crops. According to Prof Don Tyler, a soil management expert from the ­University of Tennessee, as soil pH goes below 5,5 exchangeable aluminium and ­exchangeable manganese become more abundant on soil exchange ­interfaces. However, no set quantity or ­concentration of these elements will cause toxic symptoms in crops, as the effects vary according to soil and crop types.
“When the soil reaches a critically low pH value, lime should be applied to ­counter this acidity,” says Don. “Historically, results have shown that surface-applied lime is effective against soil acidity in no-till systems, although some ­scientists have recommended that limestone be incorporated in no-tillage when soil pH levels reach very low levels.”

The Tennessee State Soil Laboratory uses the 1:1 water pH test and Adams and Evans buffer test. This test measures soil pH to a depth of 15cm and helps determine the amount of lime to apply. In general, lime application recommendations based on the Adams and Evans buffer test are lower than recommendations using ­different tests. Don believes these lower recommendations are more accurate.
In 1981, the University of ­Tennessee’s Plant and Soil Science Department ­established an experiment that has now been used to compare changes in soil pH ­levels as a result of lime applications at full and half rates. The experiment was also used to verify whether or not ­­surface-applied lime raised soil pH relative to the lime’s incorporation into the soil, and to ­document the influence of lime on soil pH and soil exchangeable aluminium and exchangeable manganese levels.
“The main trial plot’s nitrogen source was surface-applied ammonium nitrate. This plot was divided into sections that received 0kg N/ha, 34kg N/ha, 67kg N/ha and 101kg N/ha respectively. The sub-trial plot was divided up into sections that were put under trial for the effects of cover crops. The sections of this plot had no cover crop, wheat, hairy vetch and clover respectively. Finally, the ­­sub-sub-trial plot was divided into no-till and ­conventional tillage sections,” explains Don.
All these trials took place on a ­­medium-textured soil type, and soil samples were taken in the spring, before ­planting at respective soil depths of 0cm to 7,5cm, 7,5cm to 15cm, and 0cm to 15cm. These samples were analysed for soil ­acidity, aluminium and manganese.

Plots were split again in spring 1995, and had pelletised agricultural lime applied to them at the full recommended rate and at half the recommended rate. A ­summary of the initial samples of the trial plots found that as their N-application rates increased, soil pH decreased. No-till plots generally had lower pH levels than their corresponding conventionally tilled trial plots. In addition, plots that had a hairy vetch cover also had lower soil pH levels than those soils without any cover.
The trials’ results concluded that by applying the full recommended rate of lime, soil pH increased to above 6,5 to a depth of 15cm in both no-till and conventionally tilled systems. The soil pH in no-till plots also increased more slowly than soil pH levels in conventionally tilled trial plots.

“Exchangeable aluminium levels were highest at the 101kg/N/ha application rate, with the hairy vetch plot also having higher levels of aluminium than the plots with no plant cover. A hairy vetch legume cover crop can contribute an additional 80kg N to the soil. When combined with fertiliser nitrogen, this results in excess nitrogen (a total of only 90kg is recommended) and excessive soil acidity,” says Don.
On treatments with normal nitrogen ­fertilisation, the majority of ­exchangeable aluminium was displaced and removed by rainwater one year after liming,­ ­resulting in no detrimental effect on crop yield. Trial conclusions also ­indicated that exchangeable manganese was found in higher concentrations than was exchangeable aluminium, but the former was also decreased by liming. “The half rate of lime application was almost as effective as the full rate of lime in changing soil pH level. With proper adjustment for fixed nitrogen from legume cover crops, current lime application recommendations appear to be adequate. Our results indicate that surface application of lime in no-tillage cropping is effective in neutralising soil acidity. Levels of harmful acidity were reduced in one year after lime application.

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“Excess nitrogen fertiliser causes increased soil acidity, and should be avoided for economical and ­environmental reasons. If ­nitrogen-fixing legumes are used in a system the ­contribution of the fixed nitrogen in the ­legume from the ­atmosphere should be taken into account in ­adjusting nitrogen for the no-tillage cropping planted into a legume cover crop in the following growing season.”­
E-mail Prof Don Tyler at [email protected]. |fw