Nature’s miracles

God has shown me so many times, in my life as a farmer, impossible situations turn around through prayer and faith and become quite normal. I think farmers need more faith to farm in this age then they did 100 years ago. Things are getting so critical and the margin of error is so great, without faith in God it can’t be done.
Issue date: 13 March 2009

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To farm without faith, I firmly believe, is to farm without having eyes to see. Everywhere I see God in action through faith. John Bulwer said: “strike from mankind the principle of faith and men would have no more history than a flock of sheep.” What amazes me sometimes is men seem to spend so much time trying to disprove the word of God, rather than just believing. The mathematicians at the NASA space centre will tell you it’s impossible for a bumble bee to fly because its body is too big for its wings, yet I see bumble bees flying on my farm all the time.
God has shown me so many times, in my life as a farmer, impossible situations turn around through prayer and faith and become quite normal. I think farmers need more faith to farm in this age then they did 100 years ago. Things are getting so critical and the margin of error is so great, without faith in God it can’t be done.
According to John Blanchard, faith is the engine driving all our actions, such as men getting together and praying and asking God to send rain, and the rain coming at the 11th hour. To see the ground changing from the absolute devastation of drought to an absolute garden of Eden is nothing less than miraculous. There’s no weather forecaster to explain that. To plant a crop of maize in beautiful soil and then to wake up early and see beautiful lines of young plants coming through the ground is nothing less than absolutely God’s hand.
My faith has grown the longer I’ve been living on a farm and it’s growing from strength to strength. I never cease to be amazed at the miraculous intervention of God at the last minute when one is absolutely desperate and you cry out for help in raw faith, and he comes through for you.
You might ask well, how does one get that faith? The Bible tells us clearly in Romans 10:17, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.”
I would encourage every farmer reading the Farmer’s Weekly and any other farming magazines to also take time out to read the good book, the hand book of life, the compass of the word of God, which will increase your faith daily. – Angus Buchan     |fw