Overberg gets an agricultural forum]

Agricultural roleplayers in the Overberg recently launched the Overberg Agricultural Forum. Their primary aim is to develop a strategy for landownership and black economic empowerment that will uplift and contribute to the rural community.
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Agricultural roleplayers in the Overberg recently launched the Overberg Agricultural Forum. Their primary aim is to develop a strategy for landownership and black economic empowerment that will uplift and contribute to the rural community. The forum also intends promoting the image of agriculture and enhancing its economic sustainability. Orton King, the CEO of Agri Mega said that the forum would serve as a “cleaning house” where all agricultural roleplayers would be able to communicate openly and honestly in order to find solutions to the challenges affecting the agricultural industry. Delegates at the launch agreed that the forum should consist of the various groups that are already involved and those that would like to become involved in the agricultural sector of the Overberg. Marius Paulse from the Department of Agriculture in the Western Cape, Rose Horne from the Department of Land Affairs, Jeff Helm, an emerging farmer and Dirkie Uys, a commercial farmer, were selected for the executive committee, which will be responsible for the operational management of the forum. Agri Mega is committed to running the administration. – Glenneis Erasmus