Scores & scorecards

Entering a wrong score on your scorecard, even in obvious error, allows no possibility of a loophole. You will be penalised.
Issue date : 06 March 2009

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Entering a wrong score on your scorecard, even in obvious error, allows no possibility of a loophole. You will be penalised.

Question: My marker inadvertently recorded a “4” on a hole at which my actual score was a “5”. I failed to discover the error before handing in my scorecard. Later, in recapping my round, I became aware of the error and immediately reported it to the duty officer. In such a case, may the prescribed disqualification penalty be waived or modified?
Answer: No. Your golf committee may waive or modify a penalty of
disqualification only in very exceptional circumstances. Your experience, however, was not exceptional.
Always remember you are fully responsible for the correctness of the score recorded for each hole.

Question: If at the end of a betterball medal competition, the scores on the scorecard are found to have been recorded as stableford points instead, and the card signed as correct by the marker, does this disqualify the players from the competition?
Answer: No, provided the gross scores on the card have been recorded correctly.

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Question: At the conclusion of a round, my marker and I inadvertently signed in the wrong places on the scorecard. We realised our error too late to rectify it. What is the ruling in a case like this?
Answer: There’s no penalty if a marker signed in the space provided for your signature, nor if you signed in his space, but you may expect to be severely censured by the duty officer. The scores entered will be valid.

Question: In a monthly medal match, I was entitled to two handicap strokes at a par-3 hole. I holed my ball in two. What would be the nett score for the hole to enter on the scorecard?
Answer: Your nett score would have been zero. As a point of interest, had you scored a hole-in-one, your nett score would have been a minus-one! – George Nicholas
E-mail your inquiry to [email protected] or post to
Box 12444, Clubview, 0014.     |fw

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