Some short and seedy mohair on second sale

The second sale of the 2008 winter season took place in Port Elizabeth recently, with 208 813kg of mohair coming under the hammer.
Issue date : 19 September 2008

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The second sale of the 2008 winter season took place in Port Elizabeth recently, with 208 813kg of mohair coming under the hammer. The offering was characterised by a large volume of short mohair, as well as the occurrence of seedy mohair. he average market indicator decreased by 3,7% from the previous sale to close on R64,09/kg. The market for kid mohair was unchanged with young goat and adult mohair showing a disappointing decrease from the previous sale.

Despite this an overall sales clearance of 92,5% was achieved. he bad grazing conditions of the past six months resulted in a short and drought-affected selection on offer. This quality problem put a lot of downward pressure on demand, especially on adult and the stronger, young goat hair. he demand for kid hair, however, is still very positive with the highest price of R270/kg paid for a bale of 25 micron winter kid mohair from Meadow View Farming of Grahamstown.

The price of kid mohair was unchanged with a market indicator of R126,63/kg and a sale clearance of 97%; young goat hair decreased by 7,5% to a market indicator of R52,36/kg and a sale clearance of 92,4%. Prices of adult mohair decreased by 5% to a market indicator of R46,80/kg and a sale clearance of 100%. This brought the overall sale clearance to 98,2% and the overall market indicator to R63,24/kg, a decrease of 5,7%. Correct packaging he huge quantity of drought-affected mohair makes a forecast difficult, said traders. But adult and young mohair of good length should be stable.

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The demand for long, fine kid hair is also still good and stable. Quality kid mohair should be packed in white nylon packs for better competition. Please be careful when classing to identify length and fineness correctly because there can be big price differences between these types. – Roelof Bezuidenhout

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