The highest price of the day was paid for the bull LT 20 018, which was sold by Eltricha Brahmane in Alma to DNS Brahmane in Vaalwater for R170 000. Bulls achieved an average price of R61 250.
The highest price for a female animal was paid for the 3-in-1 cow CRE 20 019 and her calf, which was sold by CRE Brahmane in Mokopane to Dotcon Trading in Modimolle for R57 500. Three-in-one cows achieved an average price of R42 954.
In-calf cows were sold for an average price of R33 333, while cows with calves achieved an average price of R38 333. Heifers and open heifers were sold for the average price of R26 250 and R21 833 respectively.
Heifers running with the bull were sold for an average price of R30 000, while in-calf heifers achieved an average price of R30 500.
Semen straws were sold for the highest price of R1 500/straw, which was sold by R10 Brahmane in Letsitele to MBS Brahmane in Bela-Bela and CRE Brahmane. Semen straws achieved an average price of R841/straw.
Cows with calves achieved an average price of R21 166, while in-calf cows were sold for an average price of R18 769.
In-calf heifers, open heifers and 3-in-1 cows achieved an average price of R19 580, R14 833 and R33 333 respectively. Heifers running with the bull achieved an average price of R16 939.
The sale was held by Vleissentraal Bosveld, with Mike Killassy as the auctioneer.