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Vegetables Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest vegetable farming news and updates from South Africa and the rest of Africa.

Understanding carrot fertilisation

Whether to apply fertiliser or not depends on which crops were grown in the land previously, among various factors, writes Bill Kerr.

Nitrogen applications until the cabbages are harvested

LAN is the preferred fertiliser for post-plant fertilisation of the cabbage crop. It contains nitrate that is available to the crop but unfortunately also easily leached from the soil, writes...

Managing a Swiss chard crop for a high, ongoing yield

This leafy vegetable is a voracious feeder that requires plenty of nitrogen, and must be protected from frost and eelworm, says Bill Kerr.

Carrot irrigation should be different

A carrot plant’s fine roots can reach up to 2m deep. Most farmers do not exploit this potential and irrigate more or less the same as they do for other...
Cloddy soil

Getting your soil ready for carrot planting

Carrots have a deep root system and this needs to be taken into account when preparing the soil for this crop, says Bill Kerr.

Some physiological disorders of cabbages

Oedema, bursting cabbages, tip burn and cold damage may cause concern but they can be prevented and managed, writes Bill Kerr.

Be aware of cauliflower’s special requirements

Cauliflower is very sensitive to a boron deficiency, much more so than other cruciferous crops, writes Bill Kerr.

Before going into carrot production, read this

Carrot farming has changed considerably over the past 30 years, making it difficult for new entrants to get into the market, says Bill Kerr.

The critical element that determines cabbage yield

Farmers know that nitrogen is necessary for growing cabbages and other crops, but many do not fully understand its importance for maximising yields, writes Bill Kerr.

Achieving success with broccoli

Plant breeding has progressed to the point where one can now plant two or three varieties of broccoli over the year, says Bill Kerr.

Black rot: take care to prevent this destructive disease

Xanthomonas campestris can destroy a cabbage plant. It can also occur on dead organic matter under the proper conditions, warns Bill Kerr.
Cabbage farmer Koketso Baloyi Mofokeng

Born to farm: A vegetable farmer’s tale of perseverance

Koketso Baloyi Mofokeng started full-time farming in 2018 after encouragement from her husband, Katiso. Despite facing many challenges, the young photographer-turned-farmer remains passionate about the cabbage, green beans, peppers and...