
Vegetables Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest vegetable farming news and updates from South Africa and the rest of Africa.

Dealing with cabbage deficiencies

Farmers often have difficulty with identifying nutrient deficiencies in cabbages. I recognise them because of my experience in dealing with them over the years. Some deficiencies are uncommon and even...

More on integrated pest management

A recent visit to a client has prompted another article on integrated pest management (IPM). This farmer has two vegetable farms separated by a few kilometres. He uses wasps to...

Integrated pest management of brassicas

This practice combines natural and chemical means to control pests. In SA, brassica farmers tend to stick to a set chemical pest control programme.Issue date:23 March 2007

Don’t let thrips creep up on you

In South Africa, this is a relatively new pest in cabbage. The western flower thrip is the problem and apparently was accidentally introduced from the US in chrysanthemum cuttings. It...

Cabbage has its fair share of enemies

Other pests that attack cabbages Issue Date: 9 March 2007

Beware: cabbage aphids also carry viruses

Cabbage aphids maintain a low profile in summer heat. is easy to become complacent only to later discover that they have established themselves.