Mango pudding

You might like something a little less sweet for Christmas pudding. For that, try this mango pudding recipe.

Mango pudding
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For a fresh and delectable mango pud, here are the ingredients for 8 diners:

  • 4 mangoes
  • 2 or 3 large spanspek
  • 1l plain yoghurt
  • 1l cream
  • The zest of four lemons
  • 30ml vanilla essence
  • Sticky brown caramel sugar
  • A couple sprigs of parsley, majoram, thyme and sage

Ensure the fruits are ripe and chilled. Prepare the peeled and de-pipped mangoes and spanspek by cutting them into thick longitudinal slices. Whip the cream. To do this best I use a ball whisk attached to a hand-held blender. The plan behind cream whipping is to transform it into a stiff, non-liquid mass but not to go over the top and turn it into butter. Add the vanilla essence to the yoghurt and stir well to evenly distribute the flavour.

Arrange a couple of chilled slices of mango and spanspek on each dessert plate. Spoon whipped cream over the fruit then pour over some of the vanilla-enhanced plain yoghurt. Sprinkle a tablespoon or so of sticky brown caramel sugar over the arrangement.

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Now for the zesting business. The zest is the outer layer of the lemon and not the entire skin. The best way to obtain the zest is with a patented zesting tool which removes the zest in thin strips and in the hands of novice zesters, quite a bit of human knuckle skin as well. Alternatively, with a bit of focus and care, the little blade on an expertly wielded Swiss Army Knife does the same thing.

Once you’ve got the zest, either arrange it in a neat green pile on the side of each plate or sprinkle it over the top. Enjoy.