Managing for Profit

Running a business is like playing rugby: you can barge in without a plan, but you do so at your peril. Strategies for attack and defence are crucial, with the...
The governance and management crisis in our state-owned enterprises will eventually lead to their collapse, says Peter Hughes. But people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. How is your organisation...
Financial literacy is not only essential for any ambitious business manager to master. It’s a critical life skill for building a successful and happy family and home life, says Peter...
Profit is a concept that cannot be trusted. It’s difficult to calculate and provides an ideal way of manipulating figures, so beware of those who habitually use the word, warns...
Financial literacy and intelligence are crucial life skills for personal and business success. If you believe ‘talking money’ in public is bad manners, you will hinder development of these skills,...
To truly excel at what we do, we need to achieve excellence over and over again. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is thus not an act, but a...
Despite what we might think, all of us have biases. Some are hard-wired into our brains; others are the result of our life experience. Know the difference, and do something...
‘Complexity’ results from success and growth. ‘Complication’ is the way we choose to deal with it. Peter Hughes explains how managers and staff can streamline and work smarter.
There’s no management problem that hasn’t been faced before. Lessons from these issues are at your fingertips on the Internet and in many publications; use them and have your best...
No matter how good a situation is, pessimists are unable to escape their negative outlook on life and will only see the pitfalls ahead. They have no place in a...
Incredible new technologies emerge almost daily, providing great opportunities for those who have the courage to exploit them. In contrast, those who ignore these advances face great risk, says Peter...
The secret to success in any organisation is almost invariably quality management. Finding the right people and developing these skills in yourself and your staff is priority number one, says...