Tax & Management

'If you're an exporter, [foreign exchange] is one of your top risks, and yet again and again I come across farmers who pay scant attention to it.'
“Dudley's prices are ridiculous,” said Joe, “I can buy better quality animals at a lot less, including transport, from Solly in Middelberg.” “Rubbish,” responded Dudley, “Our animals are younger and...
'While prospects have greatly improved, farmers must take the advice of the liquor adverts and “enjoy the better times responsibly”.'
'The percentage spent on grain decreases with an increase in income and the percentage spent on dairy products increases.'
'Joint action between farmers, agribusinesses and government is urgently needed to protect and improve our global competitiveness.'
'It's simple, really. The answer is computer technology, and an excellent analysis and understanding of the difference between fixed and variable cost.'
'You must know the difference between fixed and variable costs, and understand the vital concept of marginal cost and income… and it's really a piece of cake.'
'There is still a lot of misunderstanding about the proper way to use baseline projections in future planning.'
'Here we were both speaking English, but without understanding each other. It's often like this in business too, and it's a mess.'
'The outlook for agricultural product prices remains good; there is little sign of a downturn in demand ...'
'A reasonably accurate crop estimate is an essential step in the annual management cycle... and with fruit we seem to get it hopelessly wrong...'
'Livestock producers will face higher feed costs, [but] fortunately the higher feed prices will result in higher US and world prices for livestock products.'