Boerboel breeders be warned

Legal wrangles between the South African Boerboel Breeders Association (SABBA) and the department of agriculture are still ongoing.

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As a result, exports of all dogs marketed as ‘Boerboels’ must first be approved by the Registrar of Animal Improvement Act, 1998, according to a statement issued by the department on 4 September.

To claim, after marketing and exporting a dog as a Boerboel, that the dog wasn’t registered or should be considered as a cross-breed “will not be tolerated and action will be taken against such breeders and the registry or club they belong to,” continued the statement.

“Until a definition of Genetic Superiority for the Boerboel breed, as required in terms of the Animal Improvement Act, 1998, for all Boerboels and Boerboel genetic material to be exported or imported is agreed upon to the satisfaction of the Registrar’s office, the Registrar reserves the sole right to determine standards for the import and export of all such materials.”

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The process to develop a constitution for a single Boerboel breed organisation is proceeding with Boerboel International, the Elite Boerboel Breed Association of Southern Africa and the Boerboel clubs associated with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa as participants, noted the statement.

For more information, please contact: Joel Mamabolo, Registrar of Animal Improvement Act, 1998, at 012 319 7424.

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