This was according to Tiekie Combrinck, Boshof West farmers’ union chairperson. Speaking at the Boshof Agri district farmers’ day for developing farmers and farm workers, he said that investment in training and skills transfer was vital for food security in the country.
“We have to take hands and go forward in a spirit of co-operation. New entrants will play an increasingly important role in agriculture, but they lack experience and training. That is where organised agricultural structures such as ours can play a key role.”
GWK’s agricultural development officer, William Christians, said the bottom line for any farming enterprise was to realise profits. But to ascertain what the profits are, if any, a farmer should be very clear about the income and expenses of his business.
“If you don’t know what percentage of livestock you sent to market is earmarked to cover expenses, you will also never know whether you are making money or not,” he said.
The owner of the Boshof abattoir, Ilze Groenewald, said farmers could ensure that they did not lose money on animals sent to slaughter by making sure they were in a good condition and properly branded.