New book explores game ranch profitability in SA

Local biltong hunters spend an average of about R31 500 on a hunting trip every year, according to Game Ranch Profitability, a book released by Absa Agribusiness recently.

New book explores game ranch profitability in SA
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Written by Phillipus Christoffel Cloete, Petrus van der Merwe and Melville Saayman, the book investigates the wildlife ranching, breeding and hunting industry in South Africa in depth.

In 2013, general spending per person per season amounted to about R16 500. This included, inter alia, accommodation at R3 000, transport at R3 500 and hunting gear (excluding ammunition) at R 2000 per hunter.

Spending on game amounted to about R15 000 per hunter. The estimated 200 000 local biltong hunters in South Africa therefore spend R6,3 billion annually on hunting, according to the book.

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Transport for hunting generated R702 million, followed by accommodation at R603 million, and hunting gear (excluding ammunition) at R398 million. Hunters also spent R313 million on food and R246 million on butchering annually.

The survey for the study included data collected from 1 296 active Wildlife Ranching South Africa (WRSA) members.

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