Over 150 000 visitors attend the world’s leading animal production trade fair

A whopping 156 000 visitors from around the globe are reported to have attended the November 2014 edition of the biennial EuroTier animal production trade fair held in Hanover, Germany.

Over 150 000 visitors attend the world’s leading animal production trade fair
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Described by fair hosts, the Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG), as the world-leading exhibition in its category, EuroTier 2014 was, once again, a platform for the 2 360 exhibitors to showcase their latest and existing technologies for animal production.
“International agriculture is facing major challenges posed by an ever-changing social and political landscape and by markets in which demand is increasingly fluctuating,” said the DLG CEO Dr Reinhard Grandke in a statement. “Farmers are working hard to develop strategies to secure the future of their operations.”

Nearly half of EuroTier 2014’s exhibitors were from outside Germany. Approximately 30 000 visitors to the fair were from other countries too, including 990 from Africa.

“There were more innovations at EuroTier this year than ever before,” said DLG president Carl-Albrecht Bartmer. “Our farmer visitors to EuroTier understand that a major investment that they make now in their operations must be economically viable for at least the next 10 years.”



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