Bemer, does it work?

Despite controversy, using the Bemer to heal injured horses seems to be popular, says Dr Mac.

Bemer, does it work?
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It is surprising how many owners of jumping and race horses regard the bio-electro-magnetic energy regulator (Bemer) as an essential tool to improve the health of their equines. It is expensive and the science behind it has been debunked in several scientific publications and online. Despite this, many horse owners (and although I feel a little embarrassed to admit it, I am one) believe it to be effective in decreasing pain and healing injuries in horses.

The Bemer, it is claimed, improves the circulation and oxygenation of the tissues through increasing the electromagnetic
energy of the cells. This reduces pain, swelling and wound healing time. In essence, this is an anti-inflammatory effect similar to that claimed for soft-laser physiotherapy and a number of medications.

What does it consist of?
The full set comprises a handheld applicator, a light therapy unit, a battery with charger, and a coil mat or cushion that can be put over the back or hindquarters of the horse. The handheld unit and light unit are used for treating small areas, while the coil mat/cushion is for a larger injured area.

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Rapid results after short sessions
During treatment, the operator can adjust the intensity of the beam. The horse in the photo has the coil mat over its hindquarters. It had been kicked by a fellow competitor’s horse and needed to recover rapidly as it had been entered in a major jumping show.

The person applying the treatment used the Bemer for 10 to 15 minutes twice daily on the affected area for three days. The horse competed and did exceptionally well in its class after treatment. The Bemer’s anti-inflammatory effect is useful for acute and chronic injuries in horses. It also seems to have a positive effect on haematomas that form as a result of injury.

Owners are using it for horses that show pain in joints, including those in the spinal column.

It is also used in sporting horses, such as jumpers, to loosen up the muscles and prevent stiffness after a competition.

Injured Tendons
It seems that many owners appear to use a Bemer to reduce the swelling and pain associated with deep and superficial tendon injuries, sprains and bruising in horses. It also appears to be useful in reducing the swelling that forms when a wound is healing. The use of the Bemer is not a treatment option described in veterinary education. However, owners and trainers appear to be using it together with veterinary treatment.

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