KZN farmer’s union Kwanalu has called on all farmers to assist the fire-stricken province with fodder. “Numerous fatalities have occurred and many people have sustained injuries and had to be hospitalised. Homesteads, labour housing, sheds, vehicles and equipment have been lost. Large tracts of grazing, timber and crops have been burnt to the ground,” a statement by the union reads. A t this stage there is an urgent call for fodder, either by donation or for sale, to commercial farmers. Farmers who are able to donate fodder/feed or have fodder/feed for sale are asked to contact Gary Green of the Winterton Farmers’ Association on 082 292 2314; Annamarie Hedder of the Paulpietersburg/Luneberg Farmer’s Union on (034) 995 2225; Gerhard Potgieter of the Utrecht on 082 9242379; or Earl Leathern of the Ladysmith Farmers’ Association on 082 8757171 or (036) 635 3034. – Staff reporter
Urgent call for fodder in KZN
KZN farmer’s union Kwanalu has called on all farmers to assist the fire-stricken province with fodder
Issue date 17 August 2007