Using Bach remedies

Bach flower remedies work by balancing the positive and negative energies within the body being treated. Bach’s concepts of diagnosis were not based on physical symptoms, but exclusively on the states of disharmony in the soul, or negative feelings.
Issue date: 2 March 2007

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A young willow tree.

Willow flowers are one of the Bach remedies, and are used for horses which are behaving badly. Other Bach flower remedies counter fear, low energy and excess energy.

The Bach flowers essences are an essential part in healing any horse. Dr Edward Bach, a successful bacteriologist and homeopathic physician from the UK, developed these universally popular remedies in the 1930s.

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Flowers essences are not homeopathic, herbal or aromatic in their preparation. They are similar to homeopathics in that they are vibrational in nature and physically dilute.
Very often horses react much faster to the remedies than humans do.

Bach flower remedies work by balancing the positive and negative energies within the body being treated. Bach’s concepts of diagnosis were not based on physical symptoms, but exclusively on the states of disharmony in the soul, or negative feelings.
The simple natural methods used to release the healing energies of the flowers result in them acting directly, harmonising and healing.

There are 38 Bach flower essences, 37 being flowers of wild plants, bushes and trees, and water coming out through rock – rock water.

There are many interpretations as to the choice of remedy. The following is a guide.

The remedies can be divided into four groups, namely: fear; low energy; horses behaving badly; and excess energy.
Fear: Agrimony, aspen, cerato, cherry plum, elm, heather, larch, mimulus, mustard, red chestnut, rock rose, scleranthus and water violet.
Low energy: Centaury, chestnut bud, clematis, crab apple, gorse, honeysuckle, hornbeam, oak, olive, sweet chestnut, walnut and wild rose.
Horses behaving badly:
Chicory, gentian, holly, pine and willow.
Excess energy: Beech, impatiens, rock water, vervain, vine, white chestnut and wild oats.

The final remedy is Rescue Remedy, definitely the most famous of the remedies. It is a combination of five of the essences – cherry plum, clematis, impatiens, rock rose and Star of Bethlehem.
Rescue Remedy is used when shock, panic or stress are to be treated. The quicker the remedy is given, the faster the healing will occur. The essence can be mixed with water and syringed into the mouth, rubbed into the temples, or put in the food or water. Give an initial 10 drops, then again 15 minutes later. When the situation seems under control, give three times a day. – Kim Dyson Contact Kim Dyson on 082 888 6511. |fw