
Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest farming management news and updates from the industry.

Preparing for a water-scarce future

By 2025, South Africa's total water deficit is projected to be 2 044 million cubic metres a year. Dr Anthony Turton, environmental advisor and the South African Environmentalist of the Year 2010, speaks to Robyn Joubert about South Africa's water scenario

Keeping an eagle eye on community security

The Underberg/Himeville Community Watch keeps a tight grip on crime in the Kwa Sani district in KZN. John Pearce, CEO and district security co-ordinator of the community watch, speaks to Robyn Joubert

Spotlight on food safety

In the wake of a number of animal disease outbreaks this year, including foot-and-mouth disease in northern KZN, the meat industry must take regulation into its own hands, says Gareth Lloyd-Jones, managing director of Ecowize, a hygiene and sanitation service provider. Robyn Joubert reports.

A small-scale success in Africa

Agricultural firm Agriterra is building up a considerable presence in Mozambique by sourcing and milling maize from 350 000 small-scale growers. This model has proved itself, and the company is growing steadily. Euan Kay, executive director of Agriterra, spoke to Robyn Joubert.

Straight talking from a trapper

While organised agriculture tries to persuade government not to fall for the impractical legislation animal-rights activists want to force through on predator management, the black-backed jackal and caracal continue to tear the heart from the small-stock industry. Experienced problem animal hunter and trapper Niekie Mostert, from Smithfield in the Free State, discussed some solutions with Roelof Bezuidenhout.

Are you insured?

What do farmers and ranchers need to know about agricultural and wildlife insurance? Heather Dugmore speaks to insurance broker Mike Wadge who has 20 years experience in the field. He manages the Port Elizabeth branch of SATIB Risk Solutions, which specialises in wildlife, hospitality and tourism insurance.

How farmers can gang up on veldfires

Moses Khangale, deputy director for veld and forest fire regulation and oversight at the department of agriculture, discusses the importance of Fire Protection Associations and tells Heather Dugmore how to register one.

Meet Nerpo’s new CEO

Zimbabwean Dr Langelihle Simela recently replaced firebrand Aggrey Mahanjana as the CEO of the National Emergent Red Meat Producers Organisation (Nerpo). Peter Mashala spoke to her about unions, livestock and Nerpo.

Handling the leopard dilemma

A farmworker was recently badly mauled by a leopard on a game/citrus farm at Hankey, west of Port Elizabeth. This incident has led to the formation of a committee of concerned livestock and game farmers who feel over-zealous conservationists are misreading the leopard situation in the 500 000ha Greater Baviaanskloof. A member of this committee, livestock and game farmer Arthur Rudman of Blaauwkrantz Safaris, Uitenhage, spoke to Roelof Bezuidenhout.

Erosion, the cancer of agriculture

Soil erosion is a major problem in South Africa, and with few monitoring structures, land degradation is a threat to food security and sustainable development. Lehman Lindeque, president of the International Erosion Control Association Southern Africa (IECA-SA), spoke to Denene Erasmus about the erosion problem.

Securing a solid footing for farmers

In September Farmsecure Technologies, a division of the Farmsecure Group, bought Yara South Africa's fertiliser retail marketing business, including the Kynoch brand.

Making land reform farms work

Swimming against the tide of low investor confidence in South Africa's land reform processes, Futuregrowth Asset Management has created a R3 billion agri fund, and believes it has a model for investing in failed farms. Fund manager James Howard explained how it works to Sean Christie.