Cape Chamber’s impact on Western Cape agriculture
Focusing on economic growth, the Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry facilitates networking and co-operation between the public and private sectors, including those in agriculture. CEO John Lawson spoke to Marinda Louw Coetzee about how the chamber assists in shaping agriculture in the Western Cape.
The dangers of uranium mining
Uranium mining in the Karoo poses serious threats to the environment and farming community, according to Dr Stefan Cramer, advisor to the Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute. Dangers include radioactive pollution and high water consumption, he told Annelie Coleman.
Opportunities in the Canned Fruit industry
While canning fruit producers were struggling to stay afloat a few years ago, prospects are again looking promising. Wiehahn Victor, CEO of the Canning Fruit Producers’ Association, spoke to Glenneis Kriel about the opportunities facing the industry.
Grain SA: the road travelled
Derek Mathews is the longest-serving founding member of the Grain SA executive. He spoke to Annelie Coleman about the transition from a controlled grain production system to a free market system.
A common purpose for agriculture in Africa
Agriculture in Africa will never succeed unless governments, private businesses and farming communities learn to trust each other and work together. Klaus Eckstein, CEO of Bayer Southern Africa, spoke to Gerhard Uys about his vision for the continent.
Fresh produce marketing: ‘SA must up its game’
South Africa’s fruit and vegetable industry must rethink its local and international marketing strategies. This is according to Lindie Stroebel, general manager of the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) for Southern Africa. She shared her ideas on how to rejuvenate the sector with Wilma den Hartigh.
SA’s soil erosion crisis
In ‘Erosion, the cancer of agriculture’ (FW, 22 Oct 2010), Lehman Lindeque, then president of the International Erosion Control Association SA, stated that the lack of soil conservation threatened SA’s limited resources.
The cost of adhering to chicken welfare practices
Chicken welfare in South Africa is a hotly debated issue amongst consumers, animal rights organisations and farmers. Dr Charlotte Nkuna, a South African Poultry Association senior executive, spoke to Wilma den Hartigh about chicken welfare requirements and the cost implications of compliance.
Battling poverty through conservation
There is no doubt that Zululand’s iSimangaliso Wetland Park is a crown jewel in South Africa’s heritage. Managing the diverse aspects of this World Heritage Site is no easy task, however. iSimangaliso’s CEO, Andrew Zaloumis, gives Lloyd Phillips an overview of what it involves.
Mega-ranches: how to build and run one
Roelof Bezuidenhout interviews Arthur Rudman, WRSA’s rancher of the year and MD of Blaauwkrantz Farming Enterprises in Uitenhage, Eastern Cape.
Potato farmers feel the pinch
Sandveld potato producers’ earnings remain under pressure, despite potato prices reaching record highs this year. Jan van Zyl, chairperson of the Sandveld Potato Producers’ Association, spoke to Glenneis Kriel about the region’s future in potato production.
Value-adding ensures long-term sustainability and profitability
Through a number of value-adding enterprises, Free State agribusiness VKB has created a viable downstream market for the commodities in its production area. Annelie Coleman asked Sas Kasselman, VKB Managing director of industries, to explain the thinking and the systems behind his company’s value-adding drive.