
Vegetables Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest vegetable farming news and updates from South Africa and the rest of Africa.

Bean pests & soil diseases

One pest that every bean farmer knows is the African bollworm. This tends to appear sporadically, rather than building up its population gradually.

Make the most of the free market

Fresh produce growers often try to plan production to capitalise on high prices.

Growing garlic: soil types

Garlic (Allium sativum) can be grown in a wide range of soil types. What is more important is good fertility, as this crop has a modest root system.

The intricacies of crop rotation

The purpose of crop rotation is to prevent the build-up of a pest or disease to which a crop is susceptible. But there is more to rotation than merely switching.

How to start a vegetable farm

Starting a small vegetable farm on, say, 2ha, is generally easier than livestock farming. But the cost, and success, of the enterprise depends on the type of crop, the market...

The importance of planning

Planning goes hand in hand with record-keeping. You need to have the figures from past production in order to plan ahead effectively.

Growing garlic: Part 1

Garlic is a member of the onion (Allium) genus. Garlic is good for you, but is generally used more for the flavour it imparts to food than for health reasons....

How to control eelworm

Many vegetable crops are susceptible to root knot eelworm (Meloidogyne spp, also known as nematodes or roundworm), and beans are no exception.

The crucial nitrogen-humus link

Humus contains approximately 10% nitrogen, and thus acts as a storage facility in the soil for this element.
A seed-borne disease is capable of destroying an entire bean crop.

Ensuring that seed is disease-free

Planting seed infected by a bacterial disease could lead to complete crop failure. Rather pay more for the seed, if necessary, to ensure that it is clean. Consider the extra...
tomato leaves

Using nitrogen as an accelerator

Of all the elements, nitrogen has the most profound effect on a crop, and this is why you need to use it wisely.
green beans

Planting and harvesting green beans

Visual appeal plays a major role in the breeding of beans. Darker green, slender, straight beans have become more popular of late.