World Egg Day

Every year World Egg Day is celebrated on the second Friday in October to raise awareness of the great benefits of eggs.

World Egg Day
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This year World Egg Day is on 11 October, and egg associations, companies and countries around the world will take this opportunity to promote and organise events around eggs. 

Here are five reasons to celebrate World Egg Day:

  • Eggs are one of the most versatile foods on the market – it can be fried, scrambled, poached and baked.
  • Eggs have a high nutrient density – 12% of the daily value for protein and a wide variety of other nutrients, such as vitamins A, B6 and B12, folate, iron, phosphorus, and zinc.
  • Egg protein quality is so high scientists often use eggs as the standard by which the protein quality of other foods is measured.
  • Eggs have always been a bargain, nutritionally and economically.
  • Egg yolk is an excellent source of choline, a nutrient now considered essential for human health. 


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