Tax Advice

Those with business interests in Botswana should take note of the following judgement.
A recent ruling reveals how SARS views the matter of the exercising of company share options.
Merely delivering grapes to a co-op is not ‘disposing’ of it. At this stage, the grower still owns the produce.
When it comes to resolving a dispute with SARS, ensure there is no room for later dissension.
A recent case contains guidelines on penalties and interest under the Tax Administration Act – and how to lodge a successful objection.
How to ensure that dividends from an offshore company are tax-free.
Beware – changing your intention about the nature of an asset can cost you more tax.
The taxpayer who didn’t pay his taxes yet got away with a reduced penalty.
Frustrated by the way SARS has treated you? Sadly, you’re not alone…
A recent decision of the High Court of the Western Cape will be of interest to plantation farmers.
A recent Tax Court case makes for interesting reading for those dealing with Section 23F(2).
SA’s Internet pioneer and astronaut has won a case that will interest farmers with overseas dealings.