Le Roc Brangus’ and Dormers’ October production sales

Sponsored by Le Roc Brangus

Le Roc Brangus will be hosting its 10th production sale on 21 October, while Le Roc Dormers will be hosting its first production sale on 22 October. Both sales will be held on the farm Eastry in Tweespruit.

Le Roc Brangus’ and Dormers’ October production sales
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Le Roc Brangus’ 10th Production Sale

Bulls are selected for walking ability and movement, as they must be able to service cows and maintain themselves on natural grazing.

Le Roc bulls have been produced on the veld to be raised on the veld. As such, Le Roc Brangus guarantees that they can adapt to all farming conditions across South Africa.

While a stud, Le Roc Brangus is run like a commercial enterprise. Fertility is non-negotiable, and cows must be able to raise a good calf every year on the veld.

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Over the past four years, Le Roc Brangus has maintained an average inter-calving period of under 400 days across its 900-head stud cows.

Eighty percent of all Le Roc’s buyers are commercial producers that are looking to buy fertile and veld-adapted female animals.

Only top genetics are used in the stud. ‘Madame L’Amour’, a cow produced by Le Roc Brangus, was crowned Brangus Miss World in 2016.

On offer at the sale on 21 October 2020:

  • 130 heifers (either calved or in calf);
  • 40 cows (calved or in calf);
  • 40 hardy, veld-adapted three-year-old bulls.

Photos, videos and the catalogue are available at leroc.co.za.

Le Roc Dormers’ 1st Production Sale

Le Roc Dormers breeds animals for adaptability, hardiness and fertility. Sheep are hand-selected based on their conformation and the way in which they carry themselves, as sheep with good mobility can walk long distances to graze.

As the Dormer is mainly produced for mutton, Le Roc strives to breed Dormers that are stocky. Le Roc’s principle aim is to breed early-maturing sheep to ensure better growth and a more profitable meat yield, and to produce sheep that live up to the stud’s motto, ‘Fertility builds your factory’.

The following will be on offer during the production sale: functional and productive breeding ewes, including:

  • 60 commercial ewes with lambs (with an average weight of 28kg);
  • 50 in-lamb ewes;
  • 50 in-lamb young ewes;
  • 100 young open ewes;
  • 180 store lambs.

*There are also 11 rams, of which four are stud rams, on offer.

For photos, videos and the catalogue, visit leroc.co.za.

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