As an expert in animal nutrition, Leeuw shares his knowledge and insights into the nutrition requirements of ruminants, providing valuable information that can help you optimise your livestock production.
In this video, Leeuw explains the general landscape of beef cattle production in South Africa. He discusses the different systems used, such as extensive production versus feedlotting, and how the shift from one system to another impacts South Africa’s overall feed requirements.
He also discusses the importance of nutrition for optimal animal production, and explains why this factor is just as important as good genetics. He elaborates on the different nutritional requirements of cows during their life cycles, and when farmers should increase the feed they give their animals. Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to learn from an expert in livestock nutrition.
Watch the video now to discover how you can optimise your livestock’s diet and improve their overall well-being. Don’t forget to share this video with fellow farmers who are also interested in improving their livestock’s health.
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