Global Farming

In many countries, farmers are supported in various ways by government. South Africa’s real competition lies not in these largely inefficient farming systems, but in other unsubsidised countries such as...
Higher income leads to increased demand for agricultural products. But in South Africa, demand growth is currently limited by the sharp increase in non-food prices due to lower supply.
The future will probably be one where farmers, individually and through their organisations, will have to fend for themselves.
Large supermarket chains hold more than 70% of the market share nationally. They thus have the buying power to control pricing and trading conditions, yet they’re ignored by the Competition...
As if crime isn’t bad enough, South Africa’s commercial farmers face huge political uncertainty every day.
Mention ‘sustainable farming’, and your listener will invariably think you’re referring to the environment. The fact that profitability is a prerequisite is often entirely disregarded.
The National Minimum Wage panel has stressed the pros of a minimum wage. Now for the cons.
Farmers frequently complain that they are exploited and ‘things were much better’ in the old days. Are they right?
Despite weak growth and bad political decisions, it seems as if the current outlook for agriculture is more positive.
Slow global economic growth will result in depressed demand, especially in developed economies.
Long-range strategic workshops have become fashionable in government. Commercial farmers simply want the government to play its proper role today!
Here are 5 questions you should ask yourself regularly to ensure that your farming operation remains viable and sustainable.