Invitation for Expression of Interest In Milk Afric

Sponsored by Botswana Development Corporation Limited

The following document sets out the terms and conditions for those interested in becoming a strategic partner of Milk Afric, a start-up enterprise in Lobatse, Botswana.

Invitation for Expression of Interest In Milk Afric
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Botswana Development Corporation Limited (BDC) is the majority shareholder in Milk Afric (Pty) Ltd (Milk Afric), a start-up enterprise in Lobatse, which is earmarked to milk 2 000 dairy cows at full capacity.

The developments made to date include a rotary, offices and one cow housing facility adequate to house up to 400 cattle. Milk Afric seeks to produce milk and milk products to help meet local demand for milk and reduce Botswana’s dairy import bill.

BDC has invested in the project in order to advance Botswana’s local dairy production and enhance national food security.

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BDC hereby invites and encourages possible strategic technical partners to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) in consideration of the requirements below:

  1. The technical partner will be expected to make a contribution towards an equity stake in Milk Afric;
  2. The selected technical partner must demonstrate the ability to finance their equity contribution;
  3. The selected partner will be expected to guide the project plan for the completion of the remaining developments and commencement of operations;
  4. The technical partner will be expected to profitably manage the operations of the farm or to propose a management contract or partner for the operations;
  5. The partner must be in a position to work closely with BDC and different stakeholders to contribute significantly to the dairy sector of Botswana.
  6. The technical partner should have at a minimum a 26% citizen shareholding component;
  7. The partner must be willing to undertake a reputational check on his/her personal capacity, on previous employment and or operations.

Terms and conditions

Expression of interest proposals should be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation/Registration (for companies), certified by the issuing body;
  • Certified copy of a Valid Tax Clearance Certificate, certified by the issuing authority;
  • VAT Registration Number (or exemption thereof);
  • Certified copy (ies) of share certificates for company shareholders;
  • Certified copy(ies) of identity documents of shareholders (ID for Batswana and passports for non-Batswana);
  • Latest available audited financial statements of the technical partner;
  • Provide KYC documents of directors  and shareholders of the entity.

Please note that late, facsimile and electronic submissions will not be accepted.

Selection criteria

EOI submissions will be checked for completeness and compliance with the requirements of this invitation based on the following:

  1. Registered member of industry (local and/or international) authorities as per industry regulations;
  2. The level of equity contribution by the technical partner into the project;
  3. Proven track record of running a large and profitable total mixed ration dairy by the technical partner;
  4. The financial position of the technical partner;
  5. The suitability of the proposed transaction structure;
  6. The execution timelines;
  7. Citizen participation in the project;
  8. Other social initiatives proposed;
  9. Demonstrate a full understanding of the local and international dairy industry;
  10. Demonstrate proven linkages to support the operations.

Submission of proposals

Potential partners should submit the documents in a zip file/folder format to reduce the size of the documents. The folders should be clearly marked ‘Expression of Interest for Partnership in Milk Afric’.

The maximum allowable email size at a time shall be 10MB. Bidders wishing to submit documents with more than the stated email size will be free to split the submission in multiple parts, but not exceeding the reasonable length required. All documents must be in PDF format and must be password protected.

The submissions should be addressed to the following address and must be emailed by 17h00, Botswana time, on 29 January 2021 to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] and [email protected]. For more information visit

Botswana Development Corporation Limited

Fairscape Precinct, Plot 70667, Fairgrounds Office Park, Floor 8

Late proposals

Proposers are responsible for submitting their proposals prior to the closing date and time in accordance with the acceptable lodgement requirements described under submission of proposals paragraph.

There will be no allowance made by the corporation for any delays in transmission of the proposal from the proposer to the corporation. Any proposal received by the corporation later than the stipulated EOI closing date and time shall be removed from further consideration by the corporation.

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