Farming for Tomorrow

Predator management – a lesson from the US

When it comes to predator management, South African agricultural and environmental authorities look more like the farmer's foe than friend in comparison with the US's wildlife service.

Decline in parks’ large mammal numbers

Numbers of large mammals are dropping in national parks all over Africa - except in the continent's southern countries, where good management shows what can be achieved.

Bringing the war to the bitter bush

Bitter bush veld is a sign of overgrazing and veld degradation. Eradicating this invader will allow palatable, perennial grasses to flourish again, writes Roelof Bezuidenhout.

Cape parrot population Stalked by killer virus

In the Amatola Mountains in the Eastern Cape, Cape parrots are as iconic as the giant yellowwood trees they feed on and nest in. But as Mike Burgess reports, initial fears of a deadly viral disease that had apparently infected Cape parrot populations in the area in 2008 and 2009, is now being confirmed by parrot expert Dr Steve Boyes, who believes the disease can wipe out South Africa’s only endemic parrot.

Improvement in broilers

Physiological improvements in broilers haven’t changed negative consumer perception of the poultry industry. Dr Marc de Beer says the industry has to set the record straight.

Effective management key to parasite control

Parasites’ growing resistance to anthelmintic remedies is a serious problem for smallstock farming. Field expert Dr Dave Midgley explains that the problem should be tackled through an integrated management system rather than by blanket dosing.

Red meat biodiversity plan

SANBI is starting pilot projects to develop biodiversity in the red meat industry, writes Roelof Bezuidenhout.

Getting over the winter slump on planted pasture

The selection of an appropriate base crop is vital for livestock farming on planted pasture. It forms a solid foundation for an ongoing fodder flow to ensure optimal production and profitability. The base crop will also determine additional pasture species that can be planted for the periods when its growth slows down. Jan Coetzer of Pannar explains the importance of appropriate base crops and how to use planted pasture in dairy, beef and sheep farming.

A cutting edge agricultural information system for KwaZulu-Natal

The KZN Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Rural Development’s Bioresource Programme lays a firm foundation for improved farm decision making, reports Lloyd Phillips.

A green revolution launched at ZZ2

One of South Africa's largest farming operations, ZZ2, needed dramatic production changes to stay sustainable. They formulated natuurboerdery, which gave them all the benefits of organic farming without a major fall in production. Glenneis Erasmus reports on how this approach is starting to pay off.

Measuring how much water a plant needs

Rather than measuring the water content in the soil, Watermark soil water-potential sensors help farmers determine how much water the crop needs, says SASRI researcher Ashiel Jumman. Glenneis Erasmus reports.

Nitrogen fertilisation: when to count on soil organic matter

Last week, soil scientist Neil Miles discussed the role animals play in the nitrogen fertilisation of pasture. This week, he tells farmers how to get the most out of soil organic matter.