Dear Jonno
We really need your help: our thatch home burnt down! Please find attached the photo of what is left as well as the old plan of the house. I hope this helps.
What we are wanting is to revise the layout of the ground floor (see my rough sketch) and have two more bedrooms in the attic, both en suite. We’ll leave that to you to design. We are thinking of a concrete floor slab for the attic floor. We would like the attic roof to be of thatch again, and to have all the necessary precautions to prevent or extinguish any fire, if it catches alight again.
Fortunately, we were well insured. Looking forward to your ideas.
Greetings Chris
The chance of a fire is always there, unfortunately. The greatest loss is arguably not the building but one’s personal collectables.
Thanks for the picture and plan sent; it helps tremendously. The sketch I’ve drawn shows your alterations, and the attic floor layout is my rendition. The thatched roof is designed to have some ‘character’, and has a viewing balcony over the veranda.
I look forward to your further comments and wish you all the best.