Her latest antics at the Cape Town Press Club is a case in point. She accepted an invitation to address the club but refused to continue when she learned that DA MP Peter van Dalen was in the audience. She reacted so strongly Van Dalen decided to leave. Although I also wonder why a politician is allowed to be a fully paid-up member of any press club, I feel Tina could have handled things in a much more dignified manner.
Flatly refusing to address the club because of Peter van Dalen was unbecoming, Madam Minister. It reflects poorly on you, on your department and, ultimately, on the people you represent or are supposed to represent – namely the farmers. If government ministers start dictating who are allowed to listen to them, I foresee serious problems for out country.
Was Tina intimidated by Van Dalen or can she just not stand the guy? To this day I have not heard or read a valid excuse for her seeming lack of good manners. Grin and bear it when you get into uncomfortable situations, dear Tina, and save face – yours and the department’s. Even if it kills you.
Behaviour such as yours at the press club erodes confidence in your capabilities and those of your department.
And the department of agriculture is one of South Africa’s most vital state organs. Anything that causes mistrust and suspicion about the department will ultimately result in widespread unease. Anything that even vaguely puts commercial food production at risk is cause for concern. Erratic behaviour from the minister is therefore just not on.
We need strong and dependable leadership in the department. DAFF is the one department that affects every South African directly. We literally depend on it for our daily bread. But you have to wonder what the future holds for DAFF if Tina is allowed to remain in her position over the long term? I’m anxious that confidence in the department will be whittled away without reliable leadership.
Dear Minister, you would be well advised to take a good, hard look at what happened in Cape Town and on other occasions. How sensitive was it to refer to your Jimmy Choo boots at the Agri SA policy congress in February this year when thousands upon thousands of the people who voted for your party can scarcely afford shoes? Or to the fact that you wear ostrich feathers? Or to the fact that Armani manufactures farm boots?