Know your cattle: Angus

The Angus breed was first bred in Scotland in the 1700s. the high quality of its beef was important right from the start. the first importation of angus into South Africa was in 1895, when 10 cattle arrived on the farm of J Newburg in the Free State.

Know your cattle: Angus
The Angus produces fine-textured beef that’s tender, juicy and full of flavour.
Photo: FW Archive
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The Angus breed is found all over South Africa, but is well represented in the Free State, KZN and the Western Cape. In the Western Cape and eastern Free State, the Black Angus is popular for its ability to thrive in extreme winters.

The average birth weight of Angus calves is 35,1kg and the breed reaches maturity at a very early age (eight to 12 months), which means they calve for the first time at an early age.

Worldwide, the Angus is recognised as one of the best dam cow lines due to its good milk production, high fertility, low maintenance requirements and functional udders with small teats. Angus cows will also use most types of roughage.

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Contact the SA Angus Society: E-mail [email protected], or visit the website:

Sources: Beef Cattle Management (ARC-Animal Production Institute); the SA Angus Society.

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